Telefono : +39 02 43319223 | Fax: +39 02 48513353 | Email:
Devital, in over 20 years of activity, has been successful in devising initiatives capable to combine the continuing clinical update with the professional development to acknowledge not only the wide-ranging competences needed to practise high quality medicine but also the multidisciplinary context of patient care.
Devital provides 360° Client-Centric Project management, from the development to the implementation and supervision of all activities:
Devital's educational projects and courses are characterized by a psycho-educational approach and perspective thanks to the development of interactive formats based on effective engagement strategies. We combine medical knowledge with a humanistic approach to promote scientific updating and professional soft skills: communication attitude, interaction, and enhancement of group work.
We also implement educational courses capable of combining classroom learning with clinical practice (from theory to practice).
As the organizing secretariat of important research and scientific institutes, Devital organizes congresses, conferences, and educational events. Every single phase is carefully managed: from budget preparation and execution to the research and management of sponsors; from the promotion of the event to the support to the press office; from scientific secretariat to the management of the faculty; from the location set up to the technical support, up to the registration and logistical management of the participants.
Guido Bracchetti
Dentist, Specialist in Dentistry and Dental Prostheses, freelancer (Milan)
Anna Brambilla
Clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, freelancer (Milan)
Pietro De Vita
Pharmacist, Director of Pharmacy (Naples)
Prof. Franco Vicariotto, MD
Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology - Specialist consultant aggregate at the Humanitas hospital - S. Pio X in Milan and consultant of the Department of Vulvovaginal Disease of the Buzzi Hospital in Milan - University of Milan
Oscar di Marino, MD
Medical Director at Columbus Clinic Center (Milano)
Prof. Stefano Veraldi, MD
Specialist in Dermatology and Venereology - Associate Professor - Department of Medical-Surgical Pathophysiology and Transplantation - University of Milan - Fondazione IRCCS Cà Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico di Milano
Massimo Serreri
Veterinary Doctor (Milan)
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phone +39 02 43319223
fax +39 02 48513353
Devital S.r.l. - P.IVA: 10196030968