Telefono : +39 02 43319223 | Fax: +39 02 48513353 | Email:

Experience and innovation to develop unique formats


Every year we train over 5,000 health professionals

Devital, in over 20 years of activity, has been successful in devising initiatives capable to combine the continuing clinical update with the professional development to acknowledge not only the wide-ranging competences needed to practise high quality medicine but also the multidisciplinary context of patient care.

Devital provides 360° Client-Centric Project management, from the development to the implementation and supervision of all activities:

  • identification and selection of engaging techniques, depending on target audience
  • development of scientific and relational supporting contents and information materials
  • selection and management of the scientific board, project coordinator, opinion leaders and speakers
  • management of regulatory, legal, tax and organizational aspects

Educational projects and courses

Devital's educational projects and courses are characterized by a psycho-educational approach and perspective thanks to the development of interactive formats based on effective engagement strategies. We combine medical knowledge with a humanistic approach to promote scientific updating and professional soft skills: communication attitude, interaction, and enhancement of group work.

We also implement educational courses capable of combining classroom learning with clinical practice (from theory to practice).

Congresses and Conventions

As the organizing secretariat of important research and scientific institutes, Devital organizes congresses, conferences, and educational events. Every single phase is carefully managed: from budget preparation and execution to the research and management of sponsors; from the promotion of the event to the support to the press office; from scientific secretariat to the management of the faculty; from the location set up to the technical support, up to the registration and logistical management of the participants.

National and international internships

Aimed at learning and deepening the organizational, diagnostic, therapeutic and assistance paths, the national and international internships designed by Devital allow interns to work alongside experienced medical professionals in highly specialized contexts. These paths are preparatory to the development of professional networks and facilitate and promote the exchange of best practices that, in a logic of temporal continuity, lead to continuous improvement in patient management.
Il team Devital eroga formazione medica

Delivery methods

Depending on the specific objectives, the target audience, and the territorial dimension, Devital can deliver its courses in different ways.

Residential courses

Through multimedia classrooms and the use of interactive tools for the management of clinical cases, brainstorming, diagnostic, therapeutic and assistance paths and much more, Devital can ensure maximum educational effectiveness.

Field training

Thanks to a strong expertise in Field Training, Devital actively involves clinicians and patients in a learning path aimed at improving the relationship between them and able to optimize clinical/ relational outcomes, operating within the work context of the learner with the support, where necessary, of platforms or apps.

Distance learning

Taking full advantage of the benefits of Distance Learning, Devital creates innovative online training projects, thus breaking down the space-time barriers of traditional teaching and offering the learner complete autonomy in choosing the place and time they can devote to education.
Formazione per medici e professionisti della salute


Digital Learning

Tools for medical knowledge

Thanks to the experience in training and the ability to grasp medical, scientific, and technological innovations, Devital's educational projects exploits the use of the latest tools available today. Our courses can also include branched and complex scenarios with digital elements capable of involving learners. Advanced e-learning solutions with augmented reality, interactive video and motion graphics, podcasts, audio/video solutions, step-by-step tutorials, cartoons, avatars etc. In addition, live events such as webinars, web conferencing and virtual classroom can be organized.

CME Provider

The delivery of Continual Medical Education courses is Devital's core business.

  • Formazione specialistica inter ateneo
  • Focus On Schizophrenia
  • Giornate Cardiologiche Partenopee 2021
  • Value Based Medicine nella terapia della sclerosi multipla | Corso ECM medici
  • La Prosiasi ai tempi del Covid-19 il percepito del paziente - Corso ECM
  • Pso-Talk | Corso formazione ECM Psoriasi
  • Medicina Legale Ginecologia post Covid-19 - Corso ECM
  • Benessere Vaginale | Corso ECM farmacisti
  • Dermatologia Reumatologia Covid-19 | Corso ECM
  • EHA POST CONGRESS: il valore del confronto

Scientific Committee

Guido Bracchetti
Dentist, Specialist in Dentistry and Dental Prostheses, freelancer (Milan)

Anna Brambilla
Clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, freelancer (Milan)

Pietro De Vita
Pharmacist, Director of Pharmacy (Naples)

Prof. Franco Vicariotto, MD
Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology - Specialist consultant aggregate at the Humanitas hospital - S. Pio X in Milan and consultant of the Department of Vulvovaginal Disease of the Buzzi Hospital in Milan - University of Milan

Oscar di Marino, MD
Medical Director at Columbus Clinic Center (Milano)

Prof. Stefano Veraldi, MD
Specialist in Dermatology and Venereology - Associate Professor - Department of Medical-Surgical Pathophysiology and Transplantation - University of Milan - Fondazione IRCCS Cà Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico di Milano

Massimo Serreri
Veterinary Doctor (Milan)